People + Process = Performance

Ergonomics for Gardening: Tips to Keep You Injury Free

It’s getting to be that time of year when people get started on their gardening.  Gardening is fun and it’s great exercise.  Yard work such as raking, hoeing and carrying various things improves strength and endurance while other tasks help maintain flexibility.  Not only is it good for the body but also for the mind!  Gardening gets you outside in the sunshine and fresh air which serves as a great stress reliever from job pressures.

There is potential for repetitive strain injuries that can stop you from gardening if you aren’t careful.  The reason for this is because the majority of people who garden do so as a hobby.  Most spend the week in sedentary jobs and then we garden like crazy on our days off which means our bodies are not conditioned to the task.

Here are some simple tips that will help you avoid experiencing gardening injuries:

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects by yourself.  Get someone to help you lift and move them, especially if you are doing landscaping with heavy rocks or bricks
  • Practice good lifting habits:  use your legs, keep the load close to your body, avoid twisting
  • If practical and possible, instead of lifting consider rolling the heavy item to its location
  • Make more trips with lighter loads
  • Wear correct footwear for the job.  Sandals/flip flops are not recommended
  • Wear gloves, pants and long-sleeved shirt to avoid scratches and cuts
  • Move equipment out of the way after using to avoid tripping
  • Avoid dehydration by having a bottle of water with you at all times
  • Protect your skin by applying sunscreen
  • Work below shoulder level whenever possible to avoid strain on your back and shoulders
  • Use a ladder to bring yourself up to the level you are working
  • Use long handled gardening tools to minimize bending over
  • Move yourself to the job instead of over reaching
  • Sit on a gardening bench or kneel on a foam pad instead of squatting or bending over
  • Don’t try to do everything in one day!

Remember, one of the best things about gardening is that you have something to show for your efforts, unlike other sports or fitness activities.  So go out and enjoy your garden—just be mindful of how and the pace at which you are working.  You’ll be healthy and injury free all garden season long!