People + Process = Performance

A Website Dedicated to Occupational Safety and Health Information


Looking for general information on occupational safety and health (OSH)?  I found a great website that has an immense amount of information and links to nearly every aspect of OSH.  It has four named sections (Basics of OSH, Workplace Health Hazards, Traumatic Injury Hazards and Personnel Issues) under which are sub-topics.  When you click on a sub-topic you are given multiple links for which you can click on to learn further information.  This website is geared to safety and is very lite on ergonomics.  It has only one sub-topic (“ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders”) that partially focuses on ergonomics.  The sub-topic contains information dealing with general human anatomy and physiology and sprain/strain information.  There are a few links to ergonomics related websites. 

Overall this is a great website is you’re interested in safety issues and hazards—you won’t be disappointed.  If you’re looking for more information on ergonomics, there are better sites that only focus on ergonomics.