People + Process = Performance

Warning: Prolonged Sitting AND Standing Are Hazardous to Your Health


“Just Stand” seems to be the new office mantra these days.  Companies and employees alike are looking for standing solutions for the office because of the research and attention that has been given to prolonged sitting in the past three to four years.  Unfortunately, the narrow focus on sitting disease has virtually left the health issues associated with prolong standing in the back burner, if given any attention at all. 


The health risks of prolonged standing have been research by NIOSH and was the focal point of one of the science blogs.  According the studies there are a number of negative health outcomes associated with prolonged standing, which they defined as standing 4 or more hours/day or continuously standing for over 1 hour.  Studies reported “increased reports of low back pain, physical fatigue, muscle pain, leg swelling, tiredness and body part fatigue”.  There was significant evidence that “standing at work (primarily on one place) increases the risk of low back pain, cardiovascular problems and pregnancy outcomes”.


Notice what I underlined above.  Now compare that to what is typically being recommended to counteract “sitting disease”—stand!  We are trading one hazard, prolonged sitting, with another hazard, prolonged standing. What sense does this make?  A person goes from a sitting desk jockey to a standing desk jockey.  The hazard that is shared by both positions is this:  No Movement.  “No Movement Is Hazardous to Your Health” should really be the headline.


Do you know what the research found to be the best intervention to counteract the effects of prolonged standing?  I know this will be shocking to some but it wasn’t “Sit!”  The best intervention to counteract the effects of prolonged standing is “dynamic movement”, which they explain as having movement during work such as walking around, being able to easily shift from standing to sitting or leaning posture. 


The best advice I can give an employer and employee who is sedentary (basically not moving whether sitting or standing) is to MOVE!  Frequent changes in posture and frequent movements are the key to good help.  It is more effective to stand up for 30-60 seconds to some mini squats or pace around and then sit back down than it is to sit for an hour, stand for an hour. 


Did you know that there have been calls from various work groups and European researchers to put time limits on prolonged standing.


The NIOSH blog conclusion was perfect:  “Perhaps the solution can be found in how work is organized. Jobs should be designed to allow the employee to have control over their own bodies, such that they are able to assume different sit/stand postures and move as they need throughout their work shift.”  Amen! 


My conclusion:  You don’t have to change your workstation, you do need to change your work processes. Incorporate frequent MOVEMENT and you will be healthier, more comfortable and more productive!