People + Process = Performance

health and safety

Pros and Cons of Active Workstations

“Active” workstations, such as treadmill desks, have become popular recently, especially since the emergence of “sitting disease”.  The negative effects associated with prolonged sitting are pretty well established, increasing risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.  Because people hear that sitting is “bad” they automatically think that having an active workstation, i.e.

Why Employers Consciously Decide to Permit Risky Situations While Ignoring Solutions?

The last two blogs have focused on why employees, despite knowing policies and processes and even paying attention to them most of the time still consciously choose to take risks.  The next question that should be considered looks at the flip side, “Why companies/CEOs/directors/managers, even if there’s great evidence that safety solutions are cost effective, will lead to more productivity and profitability, consciously decide to ignore those solutions and continue to permit risky situations?”

Why employees still might consciously choose to take risks? Part 1

In the Kelby Ergo Design Ergo Advantage March 2013 newsletter the title of the feature article was “Safety is #1”:  Why Employees Don’t Believe It”.  In it we covered the most common reasons why employees don’t believe safety truly is a priority for management despite what the fact that management says they do.  There are two additional questions that should be asked and answered that pertain to this topic.  The first question is the title to this blog, “Why

10 Excuses to New Ideas For Improving Performance and Safety At Work

Have you ever brought up a new idea at work only to have it “shot down” before you could explain the reasoning and benefits of doing something different?  Or have you been the person who has “shot down” the new ideas?  Chances are we’ve had experience doing both.   Oftentimes we are very quick to put down new ideas because of our bias that new ideas mean more work with a less than certain outcome.  Based upon my experience in working for companies as an employee or as a consultant here the top 10 responses to new ideas that happen but shouldn’t.  Read the list and ask yourself are you sayin

Is 35 the new “Older” worker?

What is the age that you use to define for an “older” worker?  Is it 45, 50, 55 or 65?  Employers across the nation are seeing the average age of their work force getting older each year as people are delaying retirement more than ever before.  This is a trend that has employers concerned for several reasons with two being the most impactful—potential injury/safety ramifications and upcoming knowledge loss.  The “common wisdom” has been that older workers don’t get hurt often but when they do the expenses are very high.  Is this “common wisdom” true?  A