injury prevention
L.E.S.S. ™: The Case for a New Strategy and Approach to Productivity, Quality and Safety-Part 2
In part 1 we looked at current business disciplines, their associated strengths and weaknesses and the reason for why a new strategy and approach is need for proactively and reactively solving productivity, efficiency and safety issues. In part 2 we are going to explore the power of L.E.S.S. ™
The Power of L.E.S.S. ™
Psychosocial Factors Effect Human Performance And Injury
Psychosocial factors are present in every job; however, they are commonly overlooked as a contributor or cause of low performance or injuries in workers. Employers that ignore them can miss the root or adjoining cause of productivity and safety issues. Psychosocial factors can include:
Impact of Obesity on Productivity
The CDC’s statistics regarding obesity in America is sobering when one considers the impact on our healthcare system and for employers who need to provide jobs that accommodate the physical characteristics that occur with obesity. According to the CDC, the percentage of Americans adults over age 20 who are obese is 35.9%. The percentage essentially doubles if t
Free Online Ergonomic Tools
Everyone loves free stuff—especially if it of value and makes our lives easier. I’m always looking for tools that can make my job and/or that of my clients’ easier and quicker to assess ergonomic risk. Auburn Engineers offers free versions of three common ergonomic assessment tools—REBA, RULA and NIOSH lifting equation which they call eREBA, eRULA and eLift respectively.
Top 10 Reasons for Ergonomics (or Lean) Program Failure: Part 2
Last week I presented the first 5 reasons of my Top 10 list for why ergonomics (and lean) programs failure. Here are the next five:
Top 10 Reasons for Ergonomics (or Lean) Program Failure: Part 1
“We started off well but things have fallen by the wayside”. “Employees were trained, they were enthusiastic and then things just started slipping away…” The previous two statements are ones I’ve heard from companies who wanted to do ergonomics that then proceeded to get a program together and implemented who currently find themselves with a program “in name only”. Common reasons given for demise of the program were that other priorities came up that took precedence or people just got tired of doing it. There can be numerous reasons given for program failure but with a closer look can b
Stretching and Ergonomics
Last week ErgoWeb published an article title “Stretching and Ergonomics”. Although the article was written in 2004 I believe the key points cited in the article are still very true today, notably: