People + Process = Performance


More Negative Effects From Shift Work: Obesity

It is becoming more and more apparent that shift work has a negative effect on workers’ performance, injury level, sleep quality and quantity and overall health.  In recent blogs I’ve shared studies and articles that showed the increased work-related injuries in shift work employees, and the negative effects caused by worker fatigue in general.  Another study, Job Stress and Work Schedules in Relation to Obesity was recently released in the Journal of Nursing Admi

The effect of perception on safety and ergonomics

I’m going to continue my blog series about why employees who’ve received safety and/or ergonomics training still don’t do the things they were trained to do.  It’s been my experience that there are at least four main reasons for people not to follow through on what they’ve been taught.  In my last blog I talked about habits.  Today, I’m going to cover the second common reason:  perceptions.  Perception means the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.

Dual monitors vs. Single monitor: Which is better?

Dual monitors vs. Single monitor:  Which is better?

Having two monitors has become fairly common with the increasing number of applications that users have to work on or view simultaneously.  The question that arises in this situation is having two monitors the best solution for worker productivity, efficiency and comfort?  Let’s look at the factors for and against having two monitors.