People + Process = Performance


“Flavor of the Month” or Making It Stick?


“This sounds like just another ‘flavor of the month’ ”

“We’ve had several like you (meaning consultants) through here already—none of it (these new initiatives/changes) has stuck because we are always moving on to the next thing”

“Just you watch—wait a month, two, six or maybe a year, but it won’t last—it never does”


3 Tips on How to Get the Most Out of L.E.S.S. (Focus on continuous improvement)


(If you’re a regular reader of my newsletter or have had the opportunity to work with us, you are very familiar with our Do More With L.E.S.S. (Lean, Ergonomics, Six Sigma and Systems Thinking) strategy and approach to problem solving and increasing organizational performance.  Today I want to give you the top 3 ways of getting the most out of L.E.S.S.)